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Interzone Records Ri'li:s
Krude interview - Deadsilence - London - UK 

Recently regrouped under Syndicate organism, DeadSilence underground members carry on with their quest of a bass ruled world. Wanted by Edge City polices (an imaginary town, symbolism of anti-electronic fight and martyr for a long time of murder audio terrorism), our fugitives have found with Ben McKlusker aka Krude a spokesman to their claims. Owner of Audio Illusion label, half of The Bombdogs band explains us foundations of this unusual criminal organisation.

- Atome: What is DeadSilence about, what's the purpose? Would you consider it as a militant underground collective of artists and designers or a nebulous of talents (or may be both)?
- Krude: Deadsilence is a collective of ravers, punks, b-boys, hooligans and computer nerds who never quite did get over the first time they heard those amplified beats screaming out of a well tuned soundsystem. Together we create and mutate audio frequencies until we feel they are ready for broadcast. Our research is directed through our soundsystem and more recently on other soundsystems based on planet Earth.

- A.: DeadSilence gathers together labels ranging from experimental to electro passing through breakbeat or drum&bass music. What is the artistic line of Deadsilence?
- K.: Sharp Edged Futuristic Bone Crunching Bass and Forbidden Breaks!!!

- A.: Could you introduce Deadsilence crew? Which and how many labels (and eventually people) are involved into this project?
- K.: I think I'll take this opportunity to give a big shout out to the whole crew. The Innocent Bystander [R.I.P], The Dexorcist, Bass Junkie, Blackmass Plastics, Thorn Industries, Control Tower, Audio Illusion, S.M.B Records, The Bombdogs, Lagernaut, Urban Disturbance, Suspect Device, Kronos Device, Cal, Val, DJ Controlled Wierdness, The Reverend, Finnbar [bass] Fingers, Booze Breaks, The Radio Active Man, Final Dream, Technonotice, Vinyl Weaponry, Riot Squad, Running Scared, The Low Pitched Killers, M.C Heartburn, The Fear Teachers & K.D.U. Not forgetting the soundsystem fugitives [without you lot none of this would be possible]. Dee, Yappa, Dylan, Richie, Little Chris, Spanish James and Mexican Jez, Big Mouth Mina, Jason & Stacey and Woodsey. The Syndicate grows.

- A.: Which are main differences and similarities (sound, musical and visual concept…) between Audio Illusion, Control Tower, Battle Trax…?
- K.: The similarities or differences are completely out of our hands. Edge City [our hometown] is controlled and patrolled by an evil force known to the outside world as Thorn Industries. This monstrosity of an organisation censors and edits our productions before delivering our music to Earth. We obey our orders and our worthless lives are spared.

- A.: Could you introduce yourself a little bit more? How and when did you come to electronic music? What's your main activity at DeadSilence? Who started DS?
- K.: Armed to the teeth with an arsenal of waveform weaponry we ventured through the forests. All identities remain untold. Activities remain secret. Deadsilence was never started, for it is intercepted and navigated by Syndicate Fugitives.

- A.: What are feedbacks and reactions worldwide regarding DeadSilence?
- K.: Reactions are positive. The only uncensored data received in Edge City is that from Earth. Your basic computer systems are expanding and earthling communication improving. Your planet Shrinks and bass information cells pull closer together. This is a good thing. Fear your Planet.

- A.: What is UK government policy regarding electronic music?
- K.: I've got no idea at all. I'll call a London M.P to find out for you. Hold on a minute….. They refused to comment on the matter. This means one of two things. They either hold secret intelligence of such importance to their sector that its content cannot be released for fear of the syndicate succeeding in its next quest to reclaim the forbidden streets of South East London. Or, they just wouldn't spare a minute to discuss the wonderful waveforms which fill the polluted skies of their soul spoilt city. I have noticed the police keep coming to the parties though. I suppose they must like it. It's a long way to go if you don't even like the music.

- A.: Do you encounter troubles with promoting electronic music in your own country? Is it hard to develop and sell specialised music, to explain non initiate people about what you intend to do?
- K.: During the time we spent on Earth we found it almost impossible to promote our frequencies. Only by working with other enthusiastic fugitives could we tackle the tasks presented in front of us. Music speaks louder than words. Our intentions are fast and futuristic, advanced yet simplistic.
D edicated E lectronic A udio D evelopers S tudying I ntergalactic L oops E nableing N oise C ommunication E verywhere

- A.: How do you judge the UK electronic scene?
- K.: At night, when the silent city sleeps and the country lanes lie dormant. An alliance of technicians set about their work. From the Northern most point of Scotland to the Southern tip of England these scientists plan, perfect and perform their audio wizardry. Legions of mined crazed citizens leave their routines and flock across country to attend these forbidden rituals.
E.L.E.C.T.R.O.N.I.C. M.U.S.I.C. B.E.L.O.N.G.S. O.U.T.D.O.O.R.S.

- A.: What are the next DeadSilence surprises and upcoming projects this year?
- K.: The Syndicate heads east for the summer. Whispers of the Czech Republic directs agents across the continent. Current navigation sends us towards further live experiments. The Deadsilence 5 piece band called Urban Disturbance continues its quest towards electronic destruction. Live electronic drums, bass, cello and synthosomatic sample carnage makes up the ingredients for this live outfit. Spies in Edge City inform us on two releases from Audio Illusion entitled "How To build A Bomb". Part 1 out now and part 2 coming soon. Thorn Industries continue to pollute the production line with the second release. Transmissions from the Control Tower continue with some new material from the infamous "Silvah Bullet", mixes from the Radio Active Man and the Bombdogs. Indoor and outdoor events continue constantly throughout the year, more info at

- A.: Few words for the electro worldwide community?
- K.: Strange, disturbing beats are about to enter your soundsystems.
Nexus 6, 31/07/2003


Through The Wires

Ravager of Planets EP

The Demonic Charge EP

The Bad Robot E.P

Datalife 01

Bass Control EP

Robot Movement


Edge City Chronicles